Asynchronous Content

Want to put play at the heart of learning in your school or classroom?

Most educators would agree that play matters: It can fill children’s hearts, minds and imaginations; it can build independence, social skills and resilience; and, done effectively, is backed up by scientific research into motivation and learning.

Some of the key challenges we hear again and again from educators are:

How to embed play effectively and meet curriculum outcomes;

How to assess through play;

How to coach and train adults to interact effectively with play

How to set up learning environments to fuel play

What if we could unpick and answer these questions...

and more with the world’s lead play thinkers,
gain perspective and depth in our playful
practice at an affordable price?

You now can...

Gain deep pedagogical understanding on how to make play a driver for higher level learning

Align your team and colleagues to a shared “why” behind play

Access to a plethora of ideas, provocations, examples and more in our international learning community platform

I'm in!

Are you...

  • Feeling stuck with ideas to embed play?
  • Unsure how to articulate your vision to your colleagues and team?
  • Unsure where to start with developing a more playful approach?
  • Confused about how to take play throughout primary and beyond?
  • Wanting to align school policies and assessment with play?
  • Frustrated that your vision for play doesn’t match actions in your school and classroom?
Join PressPlay

What if there were a place where you could connect with like-minds, sharing ideas and strategies to move forwards and gain a plethora of inspiration from your favourite playful thought leaders?

Headshot of speaker Kulvarn Atwal

Dr. Kulvarn Atwal

Head Teacher and Author
School Cultures for Learning
Headshot of international speaker Julie Fisher

Prof. Julie Fisher

Early Years Advisor
Play Beyond Early Years
Headshot of international speaker Anne van dam

Anne van Dam

Early Childhood Specialist
Learning Environments for Play
Headshot of Dr Helen Williams

Dr Helen Williams

Primary Maths Specialist
Playful Maths
Headshot of speaker Bill Lucas

Bill Lucas

Professor of Learning
Creative Assessment
Headshot of Kym Scott

Kym Scott

Early Years Specialist
Enabling Interactions
Headshot of international speaker

Liz Pemberton

Award-winning Anti-Racist Consultant
Play Through and Anti-Racist Lens
Headshot of Pasi Sahlberg

Pasi Sahlberg

Play Author and Policy-Maker
Play Now and in the Future
Headshot of international speaker Kath Murdock

Kath Murdoch

Inquiry Teacher and Author
Inquiry and Play

Meet Community Designers, Kym and Becky

Kym Scott

Creativity and Play - September 2024

“Kym is an established conference speaker, trainer and consultant in the field of early years education. She has been a passionate advocate of meaningful, authentic play experiences for 30 years and has spent 20 of those years working in partnership with schools both in the UK and overseas, helping leaders grapple with effectively providing play based learning.

Over the years I have seen it all - the peaks and the pitfalls, what works, what doesn’t, and what might! In every single instance, the power of play and what it can enable children to achieve has shone through.”

Becky Carlzon

Creativity and Play - September 2024

”Becky is the co-founder of two professional educational online learning networks, Learning Pioneers and PressPlay. Both of these platforms are based on research into collective efficacy, the power of community and teacher agency and collaboration.  As a classroom practitioner, the heart of Becky's practice is underpinned by the Design Principles of the Learning Power Approach (LPA) and are outlined in her book, *Powering up Children.* Through staying connected with LPA schools and fellow practitioners in her learning communities, Becky is at the forefront of impactful, innovative practice across the globe.

”We have been running the PressPlay learning community for over 3 years. Through listening to our community’s needs, grapples and desires to embed play, we have curated impactful content to bring your play vision to success.

"Being part of the PressPlay community has been exactly what we needed to drive our whole-school vision for play and inquiry-based learning to be at the heart of our curriculum. The incredible variety of speakers has meant we are able to explore different elements from a wide range of perspectives and collaborate with one another to implement strategies in line with our ethos."

Raj Ladva
Head of Early Years
King's College International School Bangkok

“Rooted in inquiry, PressPlay invites and provokes insights and practices with and from motivating researchers, inspiring consultants and experienced practitioners to curate a space to wonder, reflect and enhance pedagogy. In my 3rd year as a member of PressPlay, I continue to question, deepen and broaden my understanding of play and playful learning because of the exchanges that take place.”

Sean Walker
Inquiry speaker and PYP teacher

Where Leading Minds Shape Playful Pedagogy

By bringing together perspectives and content from the world’s leading play minds into one place, PressPlay aims to inspire action and impact in our members.

From exploring how to assess through play, to covering curriculum content, to developing learning environments, to fine-tuning adult interactions, we have left no stone unturned in putting together useful content for you and your teams.

Not only that, content has been distilled into easy-to-follow, yet impactful Learning Journeys to use with your colleagues and teams to embed pedagogy into practice.

This rich perspective and expertise makes PressPlay unique in bringing together the world’s leading minds with key grapples faced by leaders and teachers in developing playful pedagogy.

  • Q and A’s with over 20 lead play thinkers
  • Short video provocations to deepen thinking and invite reflection and discussion
  • Curated Learning Journeys to target areas of play you want to develop most
  • Quality feedback from Kym and Becky and community members
Join PressPlay

3 simple steps to embed play in your practice:

1. Engage in our Learning Journeys

By choosing 1-2 areas of playful practice to focus on, you can refine your understanding, explore impactful actions to take and embed ideas into your classroom. Having this targeted approach will ensure you are intentional in using our content.

2. Choose some inspiring “lives”

Each speaker and inquiry has an hour-long Q and A with a lead thinker. Questions have been curated by our community members - educators just like you! This means the questions are quality, targeted and answer real-life problems in relation to play.

3. Connect with community members

The joy of learning with an international learning community is that you get to make new like-minded friends, learn from a variety of perspectives and open your mind.

Meet like-minded colleagues

As leaders of PressPlay, we promise to:

Inspire you and your team

No more being stuck for ideas to implement - we have content, ideas and inspiration to suit every grapple in developing play.

Be your guides

Kym and Becky are ready, in the community, to feedback and connect you to other members and content to take you to the next step in your journey

Listen to your needs

We co-create speakers and content with our community. If there is a focus you’d like for your team, we’ll seek to include it in our next round of speakers and inquiries.

Walk with you

It is our intention to ensure PressPlay’s content delivers to your needs. We are ready to walk with you in your play journey and ensure you have the ideas to embed play in your school and classroom.

If you’re feeling stuck, confused or frustrated, PressPlay will provide you with the energy, inspiration and connection to reinvigorate you play-based practice.

What you get

Access to 20 Q and A’s with international Lead Thinkers

Learning Journeys for each play inquiry

Learning Journeys that give perspectives from different lead thinkers

Over 100 video provocations with coaching questions to inspire reflection and plan impact

Connection with like-minded educators across the world

Direct access to Kym and Becky within the PressPlay community

Feedback, encouragement and ideas from Kym and Becky within PressPlay

Opportunities to share practice and learn from the practice of others

You get all this, plus the confidence that you’re doing the best for the children in your care

Introducing Learning Journeys

Curated, hyperlinked Learning Journeys enable you and your team to focus on the areas of play you most want to develop systematically over time. We have over 30 different Learning Journeys for you to choose from ranging from practical pedagogy like language and interactions, setting up learning environments for play and playful maths; to bigger picture thinking, like self-directed learning, leadership in play and how to be more playful as an adult.

Inquiry and Play

Kath Murdoch

Play through an anti-racist lens

Liz Pemberton

Documentation and assessment for play

Various Speakers

Play beyond Early Years

Julie Fisher

Play now and in the future

Pasi Sahlberg

Here are a tried and tested ways to get the most out of this content …

Plastic lego brick icon in black colour

Individual access

Perfect if you’re an individual educator looking for inspiration in developing play; also perfect if you’re curious about PressPlay and want to get a feel for the impact of our community at a low cost.

  • Access to all Q and A’s
  • Access to 100 video provocations and reflection questions
  • Connection to play-focused educators in a safe space
£200 p/a
Plastic lego brick icon in purple colour

Access for your school Play Champions

Many schools sign up a group of educators, committed to developing play across the school. This could be a team member from each year group, or a whole year group focusing on play.

  • Access to all Q and A’s
  • Access to 100 video provocations and reflection questions
  • Connection to play-focused educators in a safe space
  • Aligned vision and strategy that will have impact beyond one teacher
£800 p/a*

*5 team members (20% discount)

Plastic lego brick icon in orange colour

Whole school access

If you are serious about putting play front and centre in your school, we suggest signing your whole team up for access to PressPlay. Schools who have taken this option feed back that PressPlay was the driving factor to aligned their team vision for play.

  • Access to all Q and A’s
  • Access to 100 video provocations and reflection questions
  • Connection to play-focused educators in a safe space
  • Aligned vision and strategy that will embed play as a key driver for learning across your school
  • Support from Kym and Becky to ensure content from PressPlay is used effectively with your teams
£800 - £4000*

*depending on team size. We offer 50% discounts to teams of 20 or more.

Curious to find out more?

Check out this FREE Webinar on Making Play Work throughout Primary and Beyond

Play as a driver for higher level learning

We spent two years exploring how to embed play and playful learning. This hour-long webinar shares powerful insights from our learning journey.

Enter your details below to watch the webinar.